Sunday, February 27, 2011

Such a great Sabbath

Phew, I really needed a recharge today. And that's just what I go. Love it when church is just exactly what you need.

(Just to be clear, the gospel is ALWAYS just exactly what everyone needs, but you gotta admit, there are days at church where for one reason or another, it just doesn't do it for you. Either the kid is crazy wiggly or I am, or Mike and I are at cross swords, or the talks just don't jibe with me. Anyway....this was NOT one of those days.)

We had a great lesson in Relief Society (thank you, Syd!!) and I have a new entry for my Favorite General Authorities list: Elder Kearon. (And he's a Brit -- woot!) You should check out his talk, so great!

“Come unto Me with Full Purpose of Heart, and I Shall Heal You”

This MIGHT be the link....but not sure.

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