Sunday, February 20, 2011

We knew Mike was old, but a heart attack??

Jack and I snuck up to Mike's work on Valentine's Day and plastered his car with hearts as a surprise. We got a lot of amused smiles from people who were leaving work early -- and one very disapproving "Oh my!!" from a woman parked nearby. The man himself liked it so much that when the hearts started to blow off on the way home, he stopped and put most of the hearts on the inside of the car. :) Jack really enjoyed the subterfuge of sneaking in on Daddy's car. He loved climbing all over the roof taping on hearts, and when the got boring, took extended recon trips through the parking lot to make sure Daddy was not on his way out of the building.

On another note, notice the Amazing Healing Properties of the Human Face. Compare teeny little steri strip to just one week's earlier Frankensteinery jagged edge.

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