Jack's birthday was on the 3rd, and lucky him, a card from his Auntie Jean came with a whoppingly big check just for him. Our little guy has always been just a wee bit materialistic, and this windfall was almost too much for him, as you can see in the photos:
So, there's really only one thing Jack likes more than money and random stuff and that's guns. So off he went with Mike to the military store and came home with what might be the loudest cap gun ever made. At least I like the smell of gunpowder.
Thank goodness, and just in time to save what's left of my sanity, the weather turned gloriously springy this week. Sunshine, breeze, temps in the sixties. Ahhhhhh. I got done subbing early one day and headed out to the reservoir and got in an awesome workout of running and doing the stairs. It felt SO good to be outside and warm and in the sun that I just kept going and going. 'Course, could barely move the next day, but it was SO worth it. Then I got to pick Jack up from school and we headed out to the park. It was sweet -- we were there early enough that the only other kids there were little toddlers with their mommies. Jack and I have been regulars at this park since he was that age, and there was something really nice about remembering all those times.
Of course, MY boy is NOT a toddler, so he climbed up to a good sniping spot and watched over all of us make sure no bad guys snuck up on our position.
Jack snatched my phone so he could take pictures from his perch. Here's teh world as he sees it:

And speaking of Spring Break: I'm officially on mine! Had my Physics final on Saturday and after decades of running scared from Physics....I GOT A HUNDRED!! On a final. Ooh, am I pleased with myself. Of course, it was just a community college and the course was totally skewed in order to make it really really hard to do badly, but I'm still so pleased. Particularly with having made it through the last question about the bullet that fires from the gun and hits the wooden block attached to a string....how high will the block swing? I did it!! (Not the shooting, just to be clear. LOL!)
And finally...as I was sliding into bed at midnight last night, guess who came to visit me, all bright eyed and bushy tailed and saying he wasn't sleepy:
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